

Bachata in Bali - Ubud StudioBachata is a style of social dance from the Dominican Republic which is now danced all over the world. It is associated with Bachata music.

In partnering, the lead can decide whether to perform in open, semi-closed or closed position. Dance moves or step variety strongly depend on the music (such as the rhythms played by the different instruments), setting, mood, and interpretation. Unlike Salsa, Bachata dance does not usually include many turn patterns.

In the West, various dancers are known to copy moves and turn patterns from various couple dances, performing these combinations in the timing used in Bachata dancing, thus creating a fusion dance.

The authentic dance from the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean is a basic dance sequence in a full 8-count moving within a square. Dancers in the Western world much later made up a basic step going from side to side, and also copied dance elements from other couple dances of various origins, Latin and non Latin alike. The basic dance sequence consists of three steps and then a tap step or various forms of step syncopation (such as the “double step”). Some dancers in the west accompany the tap with an exaggerated “pop” of the hips. Bachata can be danced on the 1st beat of the musical phrase, with the tap on the 4th beat, but dancing on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th beat is also common. The tap is done on the opposite foot of the last step, while the next step is taken on the same foot as the tap. The dance direction changes after the tap or fourth step.



What style of Bachata do we teach at Ubud Studio?

Bachata Fusion

Bachata can be danced in different way, different styles like authentic Bachata, Bachata moderna, Sensual Bachata and much more.

At Ubud Studio our teachers picked the best of each styles to teach what we call a Bachata fusion, this way you can dance and create on any kind of Bachata song all over the world.


Bachata Sensual

Bachata Sensual in Bali - Ubud StudioAgung, our Bachata teacher just got graduated from World Mastery Korke and Judith course to teach Bachata Sensual.

Bachata Sensual was created in Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain, by Korke Escalona and Judith Cordero.

Korke learned the basics of Bachata in 1998, but with no more information than the basic step (four steps to the side) and the Bachata music, he started developing his own dance style by understanding how the leader (traditionally a man) could lead the body of the follower (traditionally woman) to interpret the music. Bachata Sensual is a between dance with strict follow and lead principles. The dance is an interpretation of the music with mostly circular movements and body waves. When the music has stronger beats, however, the dance also uses body isolation and dips.

Korke is the creator of the BachataStars competition, in which participants get a random song and show ability to improvise, while showing their dance skills and musicality.

At Ubud Studio we have 2 beginners, 2 intermediate level1 and 1 intermediate level2 Bachata class a week as well as Sensual Bachata Body Control and Body isolation class. Have a look at our schedule HERE.

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